Node - Test Program of All Stations

The NODE allows the user a simplified method for running a test program. This feature will operate each station in numerical sequence, from lowest to the highest.

  1. Make sure the controller is in Idle Mode. Press and hold the PRG button until the icon is displayed.
  2. The station number will be displayed in the lower left side of the display along with the run time.
  3. Quickly press the plus or minus buttons to set the duration of watering time for the test program. The controller will display a countdown and activate test program.
  4. To manually activate a program, press and hold the right arrow button until the icon is displayed, then quickly press the PRG button. The program letter (A, B, or C) will show on the screen. If a different program is needed, quickly press the PRG button until the desired program is displayed. The controller will display a countdown and activate desired program.
  5. To stop the Manual watering cycle press the minus button until the time is reduced to zero.
  6. Press the button to proceed to the next programming function or allow controller to return to idle mode.

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