WVL - General

Channel ID

Only use this setting if you have determined that radio interference on the LoRa channel is causing a problem on your site. There are up to 10 different available channels, and this setting will change the entire operating system to the new channel.

If you select a different channel and then press the Submit button, it will change the WVOM to a different channel. The WVOM will then automatically attempt to change all known WVLs and repeater (if applicable) to the new channel.

A progress indicator will show when the new channel assignment is finished. If the app connection is disconnected from the WVOM during the assignment, please reconnect and refresh to verify current status of the reassignment process.

Site ID

Use this setting if two different LoRa systems appear to be interfering with one another on the same channel. Each WVOM has a site ID (from 1 to 255) and this is communicated to WVLs when they are addressed.

Generally, changing the channel ID is an easier means of separating systems that appear to be accidentally cross-communicating. Changing the Site ID is only necessary when multiple different sites are on the same channel and suspected of interfering with one another.


This function is necessary if you add a repeater to a system to improve radio coverage. If you add a repeater, you will be prompted to enter the serial number. The serial number is engraved or printed on the bottom of the repeater antenna.

When the repeater serial is entered and saved, each WVL will choose to use it or not, depending on signal strength (either directly from the WVOM or the signal from the repeater). The details screen will show which WVLs have chosen to use the repeater. Users cannot set this decision; it is done automatically to preserve battery life in the field.

Repeater batteries are entirely solar-powered. If the battery percentage is low, the solar panel may be in a shaded location or covered with dust or debris. Clean the solar panel periodically, and make sure it is correctly placed to get maximum sunlight during the day.

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