Centralus - Billing History/Invoices

The BILLING HISTORY will show the event (invoice paid) that is a sum of all controllers for that specific date with an amount. Use the steps below to access your billing info.


Sign in to your CENTRALUS ACCOUNT. Click on the MENU icon ().


Under the MENU TABS, select the tab MANAGE SUBSCRIPTIONS.


From the ZIPIT portal, select BILLING HISTORY using the top left MENU icon. This will display a list of all billings.


On any desired invoice item, click the blue INVOICE button to the right. This will display the invoice details, in the following form on its own HTML tab. There is no export function from here yet, so you will have to take a screen shot and save.


At the top right of the Billing History page above, when all the invoices are listed, there is an EXPORT button. This offers the option of exporting the details of the whole list into Excel format, or as a CSV file (for use with other formats). It will prompt you to save, like any other file save operation, so you can rename it and choose a destination.

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