Hydrawise App - Monthly Adjustment

The Monthly Adjustment makes monthly run time changes without re-programming the entire controller. This feature is perfect for making small changes that are necessary as the weather changes. For instance, hotter times of the year may require a bit more water. The monthly adjustment can be increased so that the stations run longer than the programmed time. Conversely, this adjustment can be reduced as Fall approaches to allow for short watering durations. See the example chart of a zone with a 10-minute run time for the year.

Month%Zone Run Time
Jan606 Min
Feb507 Min
Mar606 Min
Apr707 Min
May808 Min
Jun909 Min
Jul10010 Min
Aug11011 Min
Sep10010 Min
Oct909 Min
Nov808 Min
Dec707 Min
Standard Mode
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  1. Sign in to your Hydrawise account.
  2. Click the () Menu icon in the upper left.
  3. Select Zones & Programs.
  4. Select Programs.
  5. Scroll to the Program and select the Edit icon.
  6. Scroll to the bottom and click Advanced Settings.
  7. Click Manage Monthly Adjustments and make changes.
  8. Click Back twice, then Save.
Advanced Mode
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  1. Sign in to your Hydrawise account.
  2. Click the () Menu icon in the upper left.
  3. Select Zones & Programs.
  4. Select Zones.
  5. Scroll to the zone and select the Edit icon.
  6. Select the Watering Schedule.
  7. Toggle on the Create a Specific Watering Schedule button.
  8. Scroll to the bottom and click Manage Monthly Adjustments.
  9. Click on Manage Monthly Adjustments and make changes.
  10. Click Back three times, then Save.

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