HC - How To Setup Wizard In Offline Mode - AR

Please follow the steps below in order to run the setup wizard in offline mode. You can either use Setting Controller to Offline Mode or How to Factory Reset Controller before running this wizard.


Once you are at the Connection Wizard screen please tap on Configure Offline. If you select OK you will proceed to the online setup wizard.


Tap OK to proceed to the next step.


Enter in today’s date if it hasn’t already been set or if it is incorrect.


Enter today’s time if it hasn’t already been set or if it is incorrect.


From this screen tap on OK.


Please assign your Master Valve if you’re running one as advised in the previous screen, otherwise, keep Not Assigned selected and tap Confirm.


On this screen tap OK.


You can now enter in minutes the run length you want for your default zone runtime, then tap OK.


Tap OK to proceed to the next screen.


Next you set how often each zone will run and as advised on the previous screen you can set individual frequencies for each zone after the setup wizard, tap on Confirm.


Tap OK to proceed.


From this screen, you can now manually configure each zone according to your desired schedule. Simply tap on the Add to add a program start time and move between the different zones by tapping on Next and Previous.

Note: Each zone can have up to 4 program start times and an additional 4 start times under the All Zones section as shown below.


Step 13. When you click add you will be presented with this screen below: Please enter a start time and the days in which you want this Program Start Time to be effective.

Note: The default run time and default watering frequency are applied to all zones during the wizard and setting individual run times and frequencies can be done by going into each zone afterward.

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