Displaying 49 - 53 of 53
Hydrawise Ready Controllers: Wi-Fi Troubleshooting
Learn the most common Wi-Fi solutions when setting up a Hydrawise Wi-Fi irrigation controller from Hunter Industries. Manage your irrigation controller
Programming the HC Hydrawise compatible controller without Wi-Fi
This video shows how to program the HC Hydrawise compatible controller without Wi-Fi. Hunter’s new Wi-Fi-enabled HC irrigation controller allows for
Setting up HC Controller with Wi-Fi
This video shows how to setup the HC Hydrawise compatible controller with Wi-Fi. Hunter’s new Wi-Fi-enabled HC irrigation controller allows for
Hunter Hydrawise Wi-Fi Irrigation Controllers: Save Water and Protect Your Landscape
Hydrawise Wi-Fi Controllers – Save Water and Protect Your Landscape. Industry-leading Hydrawise technology from Hunter Industries gives you the most
Smart Irrigation Home Retrofit with Hunter and Ahmed Hassan
Landscape contractor Ahmed Hassan, best known from TV's Yard Crashers, retrofits a backyard using Hunter Irrigation's water efficient products - the MP