Pro-C - Removing a Delay Between Stations

The Pro-C controller is equipped with a delay between stations function. This feature allows the user to select a time delay between the end of one station run time and the start of another station's run time. The delay can be as short as a one second or up to 4 hours. The delay is a convenient feature when working with slow closing valves or slow well water recovery.

Programmable Delay Between Stations

  1. Start with the dial in the RUN position
  2. Press and hold the      button down while turning the dial to the RUN TIMES position.
  3. Release the      button. At this point the display will show a delay time for all stations in seconds, which will be blinking. The DELAY icon shall also be lit at this time.
  4. Press the   and   buttons to increase or decrease the delay time between 0 and 59 seconds in 1 second increments and then in one minute increments up to four hours. Hr will be displayed when the delay changes from seconds to minutes and hours. To remove a delay between stations, press the   button to change the delay time to SEC: 00. The delay will no longer be active.
  5. Return the dial to the RUN position.

NOTE: The Master Valve/Pump Start circuit will operate during the first 15 seconds of any programmed delay to aid in the closing of the valve and to avoid unnecessary cycling of the pump.


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