Water Conservation is important to our planet and is important to support our industry. When designing, installing and planting landscapes that produce fresh oxygen, filter dust and debris, and provide a serene place to relax, you want to ensure you have an irrigation system that is as efficient as possible. A knowledgeable contractor using Hunter's industry-leading products is the key to an efficient and sustainable system that will save water. No one wants to live in an area surrounded by fake grass. By promoting irrigation best practices, you'll ensure the survival of natural residential landscapes. The tools below will help you in your quest.

Step 1: Plan

Contractor Checklist

Irrigation inspections not only ensure a system is running smoothly, they can also be used to help homeowners save water and money. Hunter's Contractor Checklist can be used during a walkthrough to determine the overall health of the current system and areas for improvement. Use the checklist to recommend system retrofits or upgrades to Hunter's proven water saving products like the MP Rotator, Solar Sync weather sensor, and the Pro-C smart controller.

Download the Contractor Checklist >
Step 2: Strategize

Water Savings Calculator

MP Rotator, Solar Sync, Check Valves and pressure regulated Pro-Sprays are the keys to water savings. Use this calculator to help show a homeowner how much water and money they can save by installing these products.

Try it now >
Step 3: Take Action

Proven Water Savers

Irrigation products have come a long way since the days of impact sprays. Since its inception, Hunter Industries has fostered a culture of innovation in developing products that use our precious resource in the most efficient ways possible.

Review our list of proven water saver products for responsible irrigation >