ICD-HP - Decoder Firmware

The decoder firmware menu checks and has the ability to update a decoder’s operating system (firmware). Updating will take approximately 2.5 minutes, and must not be interrupted once it has begun.

The programming cup is required for all functions in the Decoder Firmware menu. Make sure batteries have enough charge to complete the procedure.

From the Main Menu, use the up/down arrows to move the pointer to Decoder Firmware and press Next . The display will show Update Dec Firmware.

Update Dec Firmware: Press Next . The display show "Are you powering decoder from ICD-HP?" Press the "+" or "-" button to select. Then press Next . This will display the “Latest Version” loaded into the ICD-HP, and display it above the version found in the decoder. If the versions are different, you have the option to load the latest version into the decoder.


Note: The “Latest Firmware Version” is loaded into the ICD-HP operating system. This can be updated, if new firmware is released, by re-flashing the ICD-HP itself from a computer. The updates will contain both station decoder and sensor decoder firmware versions for the decoders.

If the version in the decoder is older than the version loaded into the ICD-HP, and you wish to update the decoder, press Next .

A warning message will appear. Do not continue unless you will be able to complete the process.

Continuing with the update will put the decoder into a “bootload” mode. The decoder will not function until the update is complete. If you are sure, press Next again to continue, and the firmware update will begin. A status bar will show the progress of the download.

It will take approximately 2.5 minutes to update a decoder’s firmware.

Do not disconnect the decoder during this update! The firmware update should always be allowed to complete, once it has begun. If the update is interrupted, exit and restart the “Update Dec Firmware” function.

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