Programming Decoders

Programming Port

The ICD series of decoders are station-programmable. Each decoder arrives with blank station addresses, and the addresses can be assigned from the controller before the decoder is placed in the two-wire path. It is also possible to program decoders in field installations with the wireless ICD-HP handheld programmer.

Decoders may be programmed and labelled at the controller, prior to installation, or may be programmed at any time with the ICD-HP wireless programmer.

The programming process is straightforward and simple. The red and blue wires from the decoder are inserted into the programming port on the Decoder Output Module. The controller dial is turned to the Advanced Features, and using the display menus the contents of the decoder are displayed on the screen.

The operator then sets the station number for the connected decoder (and possibly other options) and "sends" them to the decoder. The decoder is now programmed and should be labeled on the metallic tag with a ballpoint pen.

Decoders may be programmed and labelled at the controller, prior to installation, or may be programmed at any time with the ICD-HP wireless programmer.

It is possible to reprogram a decoder by repeating the process.

Each multi-station decoder will have sequential addresses if programmed from the controller. The first station number is assigned, and the rest are filled in automatically and sequentially.

With the ICD-HP handheld programmer, it is possible to program any station numbers in any order, within a multi-station decoder. It is also possible to install blank decoders first, then program them in place with the wireless ICD-HP (this requires power on the two-wire path). The ICD-HP is highly recommended because of this and its many diagnostic functions.

Do not create duplicate station addresses for decoders.

The ACC99D and the ICD decoders have two-way communications on the two-wire path. Each command from the controller (to turn on, off, etc.) requires an answer from the decoder. If multiple units with the same address try to respond, one or both will not be heard, and errors will result.

The DUAL Difference

DUAL decoders do not require two-way communications, but duplicate station addresses should be avoided.

The ACC has several methods for running multiple stations simultaneously. Do not program duplicate addresses to try to achieve this.

A system can be expanded by adding a totally new decoder anywhere in the line. The station numbers may be out of order (since the new decoder will have the next highest unused station numbers), but the station Names feature of the ACC facepack is a better way to identify valves. It will not matter where they are located, in the wire path.

ICD-HP Handheld Programmer

Learn more about ICD-HP
ICD-HP cut sheet

ICD-HP Handheld Programmer

Hunter's ICD-HP is a unique tool for programming and diagnostics of both ICD and DUAL decoder systems.

The rugged, battery-operated handheld programmer uses wireless induction to communicate with decoders through the plastic case. This permits decoders to be read, programmed, or re-programmed without disconnecting any waterproof connectors, even when fully wired in valve box installations.

The ICD-HP also permits operation of the solenoid, solenoid status and current draw, and includes sensor checks for Clik and HFS flow sensors. While not a requirement, the ICD-HP is a strongly recommended option for any professional decoder installer or maintenance organization.

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