Here at Hunter, our core value of Social Responsibility challenges us to conduct business by making decisions today that positively affect tomorrow. As we release our eighth-annual Corporate Social Responsibility Report, we must reflect on how the world has changed since 2019, the focus of our analysis.

The COVID-19 pandemic that swept across the globe this year brought significant social and economic impacts that continue to influence how we consider our CSR initiatives. Our primary concern remains keeping our team safe while operating our business to meet the needs of our customers.

From water use to employee training, this report marks our first critical examination of the CSR goals we established in 2018.  While we are proud of the solid steps that we have taken to move closer toward our 2025 and 2030 CSR goals, organizational transitions over the past year have impacted our progress in certain areas. The report includes:

·       A word from CEO Greg Hunter

·       A progress update on our CSR goals

·       Stories that highlight our CSR impacts

“I also want to thank each and every one of our employees worldwide, as you are helping us lead CSR efforts in our industry,” said Warren Gorowitz, Director of Corporate Social Responsibility. “We look forward to working with all stakeholders to continue building a resilient and sustainable future.”

Although these are uncertain and challenging times, Hunter Industries remains committed to collaborating with all stakeholders to achieve our CSR goals.

The full report is available at