Simplify installation and save water.  New Wireless Solution Is Easy to Install for Maximum Water Savings.

During stormy weather, the wireless Mini-Clik Sensor stops irrigation to save water - with no tedious wiring required!  

Once installed, it’s easy to prevent water waste with two shutoff options: Accumulated Rainfall for shutdown after 3 mm to 19 mm of rain is detected or Quick Response™ Technology for instant shutdown. Built-in freeze sensing halts system operation at 3°C to protect plants and keep roads and walkways ice-free.

“Installing a rain sensor on your lawn irrigation system is an easy way to make sure your yard is not being overwatered,” said James Bick, Associate Product Manager at Hunter Industries. “The cost-effective Wireless Mini-Clik Sensor can help you save money and water, keep your lawn healthy, and reduce the number of pollutants running off into the groundwater.”


Never Worry About the Weather

Weather is unpredictable. Luckily, the Wireless Mini-Clik Sensor is designed to withstand Mother Nature’s whims. Here are a few ways it can help:

  • Ensure peace of mind: Avoid the hassle of manually shutting off sprinklers when it rains — and turning them back on.
  • Protect the landscape: Innovative sensor technology stops irrigation during inclement weather to prevent overwatering in rainy climates, which can lead to nutrient loss, plant disease, shallow roots, weeds, and an increased need for fertiliser.
  • Simplify control: Use this highly effective sensor to help manage watering schedules on any irrigation system.
  • Save money: Run customer irrigation systems only when needed and help save water in drought conditions.
  • Extend system lifespan: Use irrigation sprinklers less often during the rainy season, so they last longer.


The Wireless Mini-Clik Sensor is compatible with all Hunter AC-powered and Hydrawise™ enabled controllers. Install the sensor on any eave, wall, fence, or gutter.

This innovative product was created in response to numerous customer requests, and we’re excited to bring it to customers in the field. The Wireless Mini-Clik Sensor is available now.