Setting Current Time/Date and Days to Water

The WVP controller uses a numbered seven-day calendar to schedule the days to water. The display will show the days of the week as numbers 1–7.

When programming the current time and day, you can select a number to represent the current day of the week. The number can be changed to represent the user's preference. Many people use Sunday as day 1 while others use Monday as day 1. The day number can be set to whatever works best for you.

Once you determine what the current day is, you can use that information to select the days you want to water. For example, if today is Wednesday and the current day is 3, then Monday would be day 1. If you would like for the controller to water on Tuesdays and Thursdays, you'll select days 2 and 4 as water days.

Setting the Date and Time

The WVP is simple to program. The easy-to-understand push button design allows you to step through the process of programming and manual watering with the press of a button. Prior to performing any programming, you need to set up your WVP with the current date and time.

  1. While in the programming mode, press the    button until the Set Current Time/Day icon is displayed, .

  2. The hour will be flashing. Press the    or    button to change the hour shown on the display, press the    to proceed to setting the minutes.

  3. Minutes will be flashing. Use the    or    button to change the minutes shown on the display, press the    to proceed to select AM, PM or 24 hour time.

  4. The time will be displayed, and the time of day flashing. Press the    or    button to select AM, PM or 24 hour, press the    to proceed to setting the day of the week.

  5. The number 1 will be flashing indicating the first day of the week. Press the    or    buttons to select the day of the week (1 through 7) corresponding to the day.

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