Hunter Industries has joined forces with Raise the River, a collaborative effort among nonprofit organizations, government agencies, and community groups.  Raise the river aims to raise $10 million by 2017 in order to reconnect the Colorado River to its delta in Mexico. Hunter’s commitment to this project has included the funding of a pilot restoration project for riparian habitat along the delta managed by the Sonoran Institute and title sponsorship of the Raise the River launch event.

On Saturday, September 7th, Hunter participated in the launch of the campaign at the Arizona Science Center in Phoenix, AZ.  Dignitaries from the United States and Mexico were welcomed by Phoenix Mayor, Greg Stanton, and heard an impassioned speech from actor and conservationist, Robert Redford.

Due to overuse and resource inefficiencies, the once mighty Colorado now stops 90 miles short of its Delta.  Hunter and 30 million residents of the Western United States rely on the Colorado for its life sustaining water, used for everything from drinking water to irrigation. Resource efficiency and restoration are keys to this effort.  Hunter is proud to have the opportunity to assist in the restoration efforts of the delta in order to ensure the vitality of the Colorado River.